Saturday, March 18, 2017

B. How Important Justice?

POST A. An Invitation
POST B. How Important Justice?
               1. Justice and Abuse
               2. Living Justice
POST C. Why End Corporate Abuse?
POST D. Taking Action
POST E   Politically Speaking
POST F.  Black Lives Matter....To the Christian Church? 

 “The world cannot be changed by love to become just unless we are changed by love to become whole, but we cannot be made whole without engaging in the work of making the world whole.  Personal transformation and social transformation are one piece."
                                                                                                                                                                             -- Jack Jezreel

1. Justice and Abuse
Speaking out for justice is a significant way to promote it. But is there something even more powerful that can be done? Abuse(1) is the enemy of social justice, environmental justice, racial justice, economic justice. One can pay lip service to the cause of justice but at the same time support abuse. If one supports abuse, one does not stand for justice. If you believe in personal improvement or in justice, you may want to become less dependent on/supportive of abuse/abusive behavior/abusive attitudes. This blog is for those who wish to stand for justice by living in a way that does not support abuse.
     Why should you, as an individual, care enough to not support abuse? If the majority of people in an organization oppose abuse, it makes a positive difference for that organization. If the majority of citizens in a municipality oppose abuse, that opposition has a positive effect on the lives of the municipality's citizens. If the majority of citizens in a country oppose abuse, it will positively affect the quality of life in that country. You are needed to help form non-abusive majorities that stand for justice.   

 2. Living Justice
So how can one live in a way that promotes justice by opposing or not supporting abuse? Two influential aspects of modern living in which abuse exists are politicians (the government) and businesses (the economy). This blog focuses primarily on abusive corporations rather than government. The reasons for this are stated in POST E. 

What can we do to discourage the abusive behavior of governments and politicians?
a.       Perhaps we could refrain, whenever possible, from purchasing products and services supplied by foreign countries with abusive governments.
b.       Opposing, speaking out against, and voting against politicians who support actions of government that allow abusive behavior toward anyone.    
c.        Not contributing to the campaigns of abusive politicians. Boycotting businesses or other organizations that do contribute.                      

What can we do to hold abusive corporations accountable for their abusive behavior? The ways in which we make and spend money can support or discourage abusive corporations. Consider the following:
a.       We can determine if it possible to find alternative sources for the services and/or products produced by abusive businesses.
b.       Or perhaps we can stop using those products/services altogether. 
c.       Maybe we could learn to get along with less financial return from investing indiscriminately in Wall Street. 
d.       Perhaps we could afford to bank with a small community bank unaffiliated with Wall Street.

      You don’t have to be wealthy to discourage corporate abuse. Whether you support justice or abuse depends on how much you value justice.

(1)      abuse (adj. abusive): Unnecessarily mistreating, deceiving and/or unfairly injuring others deliberately or negligently. In this blog, “abuse” does not refer to self-abuse nor to abusing drugs/tobacco/alcohol. Abusive governments and businesses are only two of many forms of abusive behavior which permeate our society. For a general view of the problem you can refer to INALIENABLE RIGHTS VERSUS ABUSE: A Commonsense Approach to Public Policy by R.Q. Public (for sale on
For more detailed reasons for boycotting abusive businesses, refer to POST C, Why End Corporate Abuse?

POST D, Taking Action has information on holding specific abusive corporations accountable.

For the consideration of practicing Christians, POST F, Black Lives Matter....To the Christian Church? explores how the church should respond to that racial justice movement.

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