Saturday, March 18, 2017

A. An Invitation

POST A. An Invitation
POST B. How Important Justice?
POST C. Why End Corporate Abuse?
POST D. Taking Action
POST E   Politically Speaking
POST F.  Black Lives Matter....To the Christian Church? 
(To access other posts, click on a specific post listed to the right or on "Older Posts" at the bottom of the page.)

If you care about justice (social, environmental, economic, racial) you are cordially invited to join


       This new movement fills a need for a simple, readily achievable, free way for people, whether politically active or not, to stand for justice. You can join the CAMPAIGN TO END CORPORATE ABUSE at the level which designates your commitment.
       One suggested guideline: Review at least once per year POST D of this blog ( checking for deletions/additions to the list of large abusive corporations. 
       The membership levels are as follows:

>1st Level – Those members who are committed to not purchasing any goods and services of at least one of the specific companies listed in POST D of the blog.

>2nd Level – Those members who are committed to not purchasing any goods and services of every specific company (including parent company and subsidiaries) listed in POST D of the blog.

>3rd level - Those members who are committed to not purchasing any goods and services of all specific companies listed in POST D of the blog and who do not own stock in any of the companies (including parent and subsidiary companies) specifically listed in Post D of the blog. 

>4th Level - Those members who are committed to not purchasing any goods and services of any of the specific companies listed in POST D of the blog, and who don't knowingly own stock in any abusive* corporations.

>5th Level - Those members who are committed to not purchasing any goods and services of any of the specific companies listed in POST D of the blog, who don't knowingly own stock in any abusive corporations, and who do not deposit money in institutions that indiscriminately invest in Wall Street companies. 

       Outward demonstration of membership is optional. I understand that a 1.5-2-inch safety pin worn horizontally signifies that one is a safe person for an LBGT person to approach when in need. I suggest that the Campaign to End Corporate Abuse could use such a pin with ½ inch brass safety pins attached. The number of brass pins would designate the wearers level of commitment.

* Abusive - Unnecessarily mistreating, deceiving and/or unfairly injuring others deliberately or negligently. An abusive corporation with plans or intentions of correcting their abusive behavior/attitudes is still an abusive corporation. One strategy is to become a voting financially-supportive profit-collecting stock holder in order to effect positive change from within abusive corporations. Such strategists are welcome to join the campaign at the first, second, or possibly the third level.

What’s next?

- If you wonder about or doubt the significance and importance of your participation in this Campaign, please check out POST B, How Important Justice?

-To understand the reasons for the Campaign, refer to POST C, Why End Corporate Abuse?

-To learn how to participate in the Campaign to End Corporate Abuse, go to POST D, Taking Action.

-Why we cannot rely on government to regulate corporate abuse is explained in POST E, Politically Speaking..

-If you care about racial justice or wonder if Christians should be concerned with racial justice, you may find POST F, Black Lives Matter....To the Christian Church? informative.

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